"Absolutely nothing!" Xena exclaimed looking at Toni. The guests diverted their stares from the bride to the two women stood in the doorway.

Xena realised she was being a bit loud, but the peach Belini was going to her head. Fast. Toni wasn't feeling the effects quite so much. She was used to the booze, and frankly, she didn't give a damn.
Christine and Tom were in the audience near the alter. Luckily Christine realised that the drink she'd left in the kitchen should not have been left there. She knew Toni would  take it and she cursed herself for making the same mistake over and over. Tom was none the wiser. He thought this performance was part of the flash mob he had secretly hired. After all, Beyoncé was one of his oldest, if not wisest friend. Bonnie was sat in-between Christine and Tom fantasising about some new knickers from Debenhams...the three for two was a wonderful offer in her opinion.

"Do you think my breasts have got smaller?" Toni asked Xena.

"Yeah, a little" Xena replied before passing out drunk on the floor.

"Oh!" Tom exclaimed, "I'm not even drunk!" He looked at Lenny... "You've got fluff on your face"

Lenny giggled

Jay Z squeezed Beyoncé's hand and passed her the salted gin as they tried to come to terms with what was going on at their wedding.  They quickly gave up and decided to copulate on the floor.

However, just as Jay Z was about to enter Beyoncé's bagel hole she cried out, "who's that sat between Christine and Tom... it's bloody Bonnie! She wasn't even invited to the bloody wedding!"

Jay Z sighed, put his schlong away and zipped his trousers up.  As this was going on, Bonnie stumbled over and, blanking Beyoncé, turned to Jay Z and said, "you should really consider cotton underwear, it's much less sweaty... Debenham's have an offer on at the moment, actually."

Beyoncé couldn't believe what she was hearing.  3 pairs of knickers for the price of 2?  Bloody bargain!  She was almost tempted to forgive Bonnie for her earlier misdemeanour but at that point, Xena came round and screamed, "Who's eaten all the fig rolls???"

"It was Bonnie...I need some apricots to get me going!" Toni cried.

With that Xena pulled her shakram out, aimed it an Bonnie and, with a flick of her wrist, it was travelling through the air towards our well-loved Welsh superstar....


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